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다큐멘터리/BBC 방송

음식에 숨겨진 6가지 비밀 (The truth about food) [6부작]


다큐소개 : Health-Medical Documentary hosted by Les Keen and published by BBC in 2007

MBC에서 2009년도에 더빙으로 방영하였으며 이밖에도, 건강에 관련된 다큐멘터리는 수도 없이 많습니다. 다만 그대로 실천하기에는 많은 시련이 따른다는 것이지요. 이 다큐멘터리는 식습관에 따른 불균형에 따른 각종 질병들을 보여주고 이를 개선해 나가기 위한 방향을 제시해줍니다. 또한, 여러 실험들을 통해 우리가 꼭 알아야 할 상식들을 보여주니 안 보신 분들은 꼭 보시기 바랍니다.


1부. 체질을 바꾸는 법 (How to be healthy) : News presenter Fiona Bruce takes us on a journey through the digestive system and learns why there is good and bad bacteria.

2부. 섹시하게 사는 법 (How to be sexy) : Vic Reeves looks at how food can keep us sexy, and explores some of the myths about aphrodisiacs and what food turns us on.

3부. 아이들의 입맛을  바꾸는 법 (How to feed your kids) : How do we get the kids to eat their greens? It's an age old question but Jan Ravens is determined to discover how.

4부. 날씬해지는 법 (How to be slim) : If we're honest we all probably eat too much. But does dieting work? Andrea Oliver is on a quest to lose weight and learn the truth about being slim.

5부. 젊고 아릅답게 사는 법 (How to stay young and beautiful) : Can the way we eat reduce the effects of aging? Is it necessary to drink two litres of water a day? Liza Tarbuck gets to the truth of being young and beautiful.  


6부. 스트레스를 줄이는 법 (How to be the best) : How can we eat to be the best? Colin Jackson changes his diet and goes veggie to see if it will alter his performance.


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